
Januari 23, 2020

"Hi, Google"

"Hi Devi, how can I help?"

"Call my mom please..."

"Who is your mom?"

"... mom, how are you today?"

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Aku baru nonton video di Youtube. Ada cewek umur 20an kayaknya, telpon mamahnya dan ngomongin kejadian saat dia umur 10 tahun. Dia liat mamahnya nangis sendiri, tapi dia ga berani nanya malah pergi karena takut. Baru sekarang dia berani nanya kenapa. Dia juga nyampein maaf ke mamahnya karena waktu itu gaberani nyamperin dan nenangin mamahnya.

Aku jadi kepikiran Ibuk... Dulu Ibuk sering nangis, aku juga gatau kenapa. Aku gaakan pernah tau kenapa, ya kan? Dan aku juga gaakan pernah bisa minta maaf karena ga pernah nenangin atau meluk Ibuk saat itu.

Buk... Ibuk... aduh... kenapa kata itu jadi asing banget di telingaku sekarang ya? Apa karena aku udah lama ga manggil ibuk? Maaf aku udah lama ngga ngirim doa, Buk. Ibuk marah ngga?

Jadi anak aja aku ngga bener, gimana nanti kalo aku jadi ibuk? Buk... aku takut."

April 02, 2019

The Present Me (2019)

I talked with my friend today about some of her writings and suddenly I remembered that I had this blog.

Boy, it had been a long, long time ago since the last time I wrote here! Can't believe I actually wrote all of these posts.

Reading all of these, I realized that most of the posts is super cheesy. Thank God, now I am not, but... it was me. I was a teenager. I was dumb, full of cheesiness and exaggeration. I was hurting when I wrote some of the stuff, but you know, now I'm laughing my as* off reading them.

I read all of the posts and some of them aren't bad, actually. I wonder what would happen had I not had stopped writing. Could I be a real writer? Lol.

This blog is some kind of reminder for me that I started a lot of things, many of them are good, but it seems like I never really focus on them. I get bored easily so I change my hobby easily. Fortunately, it's just my hobby, not my boyfriend (hi babe :*)

Well, if you happened to stumble upon this blog or you did come here because someone pointing this out to you, please take your time. Swill down the cheesiness, the tackiness, the alay-ness-- whatever is here. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Juli 01, 2015

I hate my birthday. It just reminds me of how insignificant i am for others, even for those who i take as friends. it reminds me the sad life that i live in rn.

Mei 25, 2015

There isn't any day when there isn't your name in my web search history. And it sucks.

April 18, 2015

It's been a while

Yeah... It's been a while since i posted my last posting. Oh wait, was that a month ago? not so long then... Well, the last post hasn't finished yet, and I don't have any interest in finishing it. Well  do actually, but I'm just so lazy  busy with, you know, things and sort... I'm planning on finish it tomorrow. Probably.