
Agustus 22, 2014

Identitas, identitas saya mana???

Bingung mau ganti nama blog sama alamatnya juga... Mengingat blog ini -- yang tadinya -- bertujuan untuk dijadikan tempat curhat saya, maka nama dan alamat menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk dipertimbangka. Udah nggak kehitung berapa kali aku ganti nama sama alamat blog ini cuman buat nyesuaiin sama kepribadianku sendiri, tapi nggak ada yang bener-bener sreg dihati :(
Maunya nama yang unik dan langsung nyantel di kepala orang, tapi aku kurang kreatif untuk memikirkan sebuah nama... Mikirin nama buat blog aja bertaun-taun, apalagi besok kalo punya anak -___- duh, dep.

Februari 05, 2014

My Dearest

Had I know you would be gone, I would have never left you on your own
Had I realized how much you gave me, I would have never made you angry
Had I known there is no tomorrow, I would have given you no sorrow
Had I understood me without you is empty, I would have never been such a grumpy
Had I known life is difficult without you, I would have never turned your morning blue
Had I realized how much you really mean to me, I would have bought you all those jelly

cause I do know now what I didn't
that makes me so much tortured

you complete me
as air to balloons,

you protected me
as thorn to roses;

Your love is beyond compare